Կազմակերպության մասին

Our company operates from 2009. The main purpose of the company is to support small and medium sized businesses (SMB’s), as well as large business enterprises with optimal managerial solutions. In this regard, services are provided in the following key areas: marketing, merchandising and management based on serious and deep research with consideration of global and local market features. Business consultations vary from organizing a new business presentation to higher operational efficiency of enterprises. In this connection, with the point above a series of professional training courses are provided in different formats including individual and corporate delivery.

Նմանատիպ կազմակերպություններ

Digital Brains


DiGi School





0 Աշխատանք

Akademix Team

Հավելյալ Տեղեկություններ

  • ՀասցեBuzand street 7 ,
  • Հիմնադրման տարեթիվ 26/01/2023թ.