Կազմակերպության մասին

Auni Ltd is an innovative multinational company that focuses on building the best products and solutions for the online market (portals and websites with a high volume of visitors), using the latest technology available today and the newest concepts. The technologies used in development process are: PHP (Smarty, OOP, Zend), MySQL, Javascript (ui frameworks), JAVA, Flash Media Server, Wowza, streaming audio/video, listing just a few of them. Every employee can become a partner because we encourage freedom of expression, opinion and ideas. The entire technical staff has a passion for the technologies that we develop and for the changes they can make to the World Wide Web.

Նմանատիպ կազմակերպություններ

Digital Brains


DiGi School





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Auni Ltd

Հավելյալ Տեղեկություններ

  • Հասցե Romasco Place, Wickhams Cay 1, P.O. Box 3145, Road Town, Tortola 00823, Virgin Islands ,
  • Հիմնադրման տարեթիվ 26/01/2023թ.