Կազմակերպության մասին

Lightning Tools creates tools and web parts that enables users to quickly develop and deploy solutions based on SharePoint 2007 and 2010. Starting with BDC Meta Man in the summer of 2006, Lightning Tools have helped countless companies and individuals integrate their line of business data with SharePoint and the BDC in minutes rather than a task which could take days if not weeks. After the success of BDC Meta Man we have continued to look into ways we can further build on the power that is provided by the Business Data Catalog. The people that make up Lightning Tools come from a wide ranging background which allows us to bring well defined development skills and ideas from areas other than just the Microsoft Technology stack.

Նմանատիպ կազմակերպություններ

Digital Brains


DiGi School





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Lightning Tools

Հավելյալ Տեղեկություններ

  • ՀասցեNumber 6 The Terrace Rugby Road Lutterworth Leicestershire LE17 4BW England ,
  • Հիմնադրման տարեթիվ 26/01/2023թ.