Կազմակերպության մասին

The Government of the Republic of Armenia (GoA) has received a grant from the Government of the United States of America through the Millennium Challenge Corporation (MCC) to support a five-year Program of strategic investments in irrigation and the rural roads network, aimed at increasing agricultural production in poor rural areas of the country. Further information regarding the MCC is available on their website (www.mcc.gov) and information on the Armenia MCC Program is available at the MCA-Armenia website (www.mca.am). The GoA has established the MCA-Armenia State Non-Commercial Organization (SNCO), a legal entity responsible for the oversight, management and implementation of the Compact.

Նմանատիպ կազմակերպություններ

Digital Brains


DiGi School





0 Աշխատանք

Millennium Challenge Account Armenia SNCO

Հավելյալ Տեղեկություններ

  • ՀասցեMeliq Adamyan 2/1 ,
  • Հիմնադրման տարեթիվ 26/01/2023թ.