Կազմակերպության մասին

Education at YeTRI training center allows you to become the professional and certificated specialist in the field of high tech. Certifications: 1. Certificate is given to all students who passing courses. 2. Certificate professional is given to student who has executed the project, according to the special task which has been given in the beginning of the training. Leading specialists of Armenia and other countries are involved at educational process. 1 CISCO Networking academy 2 Complex system of temperature control 3 Complex electromechanical systems 4 Systems’ Modeling 5 Industrial electronics 6 Computer facilities and networks of the COMPUTER 7 Automated control systems 8 Telecommunication 9 Computer Aided design 10 Radio engineering systems

Նմանատիպ կազմակերպություններ

Digital Brains


DiGi School





0 Աշխատանք

Training center of YeTRI

Հավելյալ Տեղեկություններ

  • ՀասցեDzorapi 26 ,
  • Հիմնադրման տարեթիվ 26/01/2023թ.